1919 The National Geographic Magazine The National Geographic Magazine
Our Common Dogs
by Louis Agassiz Fuertes & Ernest Harold Baynes
January to June, 1919, Volume XXXV, p228 - 229, USA

In the article "Our Common Dogs" (page 201) is a paragraph about the Collie. In it the authors gave a short statement about the Sheltie, too. The mentioned illustration only shows "The Collie", "Old English Sheep-Dog" and the "Smooth Collie":

Our Common Dogs
Page 229: ... " COLLIE
(For illustration, see page 238)
The Shetland collie, a tiny sheep-herder weighing between six and ten pounds and imported from the Shetland Islands, is becoming known in the country as an attractive pet.

Page 238:
The Collie, Old English Sheep-dog, Smooth Collie"

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