Special Championshipshow Voorthuizen (NL), 29.09.1979

My 1st Nederlandse Sheltie Vereeniging (NSV) Championshipshow. What an event!

I was allowed to accompany Oskar and Edeltraud Sperlich to Voorthuizen (Riding Centre Edda Huzid) on 29.9.1979. They had entered their Buffalo von Dusrani (at that time not yet a champion) under the English specialist judge Mr. Ron G. Fitzsimmons, "Snabswood" Shelties.
We could not have dreamed of the number of entries and the quality of the Shelties that awaited us. 91 entered (76 present) Shelties, including numerous imports and well-known sires and dams. Simply incredible!
The two dog champions Such A Gay Spark At Shelert (blm) and Joymichael Sunset Boy (s/w) as well as the s/w bitch Snabswood Syllabub, bred by Mr. Fitzsimmons were entered out of competition and did their rounds of honour to loud applause.

At this show we learned how much grooming and good presentation can mean. "Buffy" got an Excellent 2 in the breeder class (Fokkersklas) with a wonderful judge's report, whereby the last remark "With more care, this dog could have been the winner of the class" hurted especially because the winner of this class got the RCAC in the final competition!
Mr. Fitzsimmons wrote long, educational judge's reports - to be read in the NSV Club Magazine "SHELTIE NIEUWS" October 1979 (No. 4). A lesson for all Sheltie interested. He awarded 22x "Excellent", many received "Very Good", but also 20 "Good".

The male CAC went to the s/w Ch. Ringshooter van de Vuuf Ringen and
Best Bitch and Best of Breed to the s/w Clamant Clarity van 't Raalterwoold.
(I have added more photos of individual dogs in the pedigree database.)