The Foundation Of The Shetland Collie Club

The Shetland Times, 21.11.1908
The Shetland Times, 28.11.1908
The Shetland Times, 12.12.1908
The Shetland Times, 26.12.1908


In the Shetland Island newspaper (The Shetland Times) we discovered a few sections on the founding of the Shetland Collie Club.

The Shetland Times, 21.11.1908:
"SHETLAND COLLIE CLUB - For some considerable time now, the small class of dogs described as 'Shetland Collies' has been attracting attention, the dog being a general favourite. With a view preserving the purity of the breed, and improving it, a meeting of those interested will be held in the County Hall, on Monday evening, for the purpose of forming 'A Shetland Collie Club.'"

A MEETING, for the FORMATION of a SHETLAND COLLIE CLUB, will be held in the COUNTY HALL, Lerwick, on MONDAY, 23rd November, at 8 p.m.
All interested cordially invited."

The Shetland Times, 28.11.1908:
"Formation of a 'Shetland Collie Club.'
A MEETING, called by advertisement, was held in the County Hall, County Buildings, Lerwick, on Monday evening, for the purpose of considering the advisebility of forming a 'Shetland Collie Club.' There was a large attendance of owners of Shetland collies and others interested in the breed.
Provost Forteous was called to the chair, and briefly stated the objects for which the meeting had been called. The meeting had been called for the purpose of forming a 'Shetland Collie Club,' with the object of improving and preserving the breed of these animals. He was attending here and presiding to-night at the request of Mr. Loggie, and from the representative gathering which had assembled, it was quite apparent that the interest in the breeding of these little collies was wide-spread throughout the whole islands. There was undoubtedly, a big demand for these animals in the south, and at a great number of shows valuable prizes were awarded to Shetland collies. The desire to improve the breed was a most laudible one, and doubtless the gentlemen present at the meeting were the proper persons to see that improvement being carried out. The demand for Shetland collies seemed to be growing, and he was informed that the present supply was altogether inadequate to meet that demand; but with the formation of a Club, and a systematic breeding of Shetland collies, he had no doubt that these conditions would soon pass away. He then called on some of the gentlemen present for expressions of opinion.
Mr. J. A. Loggie, Royal Buildings, said he was responsible for calling this meeting together, and he had done so because there were so many people in the south asking why they had not started the careful and correct breeding of these Shetland collies. They were all aware that the demand was far greater than the supply, and that if no new enquiries were made, it would take them five years to supply the orders on hand. This class of dog had grown rapidly in favour, and it was those who were owners of these dogs that should begin to pay serious attention to the better breeding of the class. To attain that end it would be necessary to endeavour to improve the standard points and for that purpose to form a stud-book. He also stated that he had been in communication with the Secretaries of the Aberdeen Kennel Club, the Toy Dog Society, and the North of Scotland Canine Society, from whom he had got copies of rules and other information, which would be useful to their Club.
Mr. P. MacDougall then made a few remarks.
Mr Loggie then proposed that a club be formed, and that it be named 'The Shetland Collie Club,' with headquarters at Lerwick.
Mr. A.J. Jamieson, Scalloway, seconded the motion, which was unanimously agreed to.


The election of office-bearers of the newly-formed society was then proceeded with, and resulted as follows: - Patronesses - Lady Marjory Sinclair, wife of the Secretary for Scotland; Mrs. Alex. Moffatt, Falkirk, wife of Sheriff Moffat, formery of Lerwick. Patrons - J. Cathcart Wason, Esq., M.P. for the county; R.H. Bruce, Esq. of Sumburgh; Sir Arthur Nicolson, Bart. Hon. Presidents - Provost Porteous Bailie Laing and Rev. A. J. Campbell. Hon. Secretary and Treasurer - Mr James A. Loggie, Committee - Messrs A. J. Jamieson, W. J. Greig, Laurence Laurenson, Thomas Henderson, jun. (Spiggie), John Smith, Alex. Irvine (Vatchley), P. MacDougall, A. Nelson (Gott), J. W. Laurenson, Arthur Conley, Wm. Manson, W.P. Harrison, Wm. Sinclair - five to be a quorum.
It was agreed that a meeting of the committee be held on Tuesday, 8th December, in the County Hall, for the purpose of drafting Club rules, and forming a stud-book.
A vote of thanks to the Chairman terminated the prodeedings.
The meeting on Tuesday will be open to all owners of Shetland Collies, or these interested in the breed of these animals, and it has been agreed that the annual fee of membership (open to everyone) shall not exceed 2s 6d per annum.
Suggestions by owners of Shetland collies, or these interested in breeding the same, will be gladly welcomed, and the Secretary will be pleased to have the names of anyone intending to become a member of the Club."

The Shetland Times, 12.12.1908:
"A MEETING of the Committee of the Shetland Collie Club was held in the County Hall on Tuesday evening. There were twelve members present, and Bailie Laing occupied the chair.
The Committee took up consideration of the constitution and rules of the Club, which were drawn up as follows: -


1. The name of the Club shall be 'The Shetland Collie Club.'
2. The object of the Club shall be to promote and encourage the breeding and exhibiting of Shetland collies.
3. The Club shall consist of an unlimited number of members.
4. The affairs of the Club shall be conducted by a Committee consisting of a chairman, the secretary and fifteen members - five to be a quorum:
5. The annual fee of membership shall be 2s 6d, and no one shall be entitled to the privilege of membership till the subscription has been paid.
6. The annual subscription shall be payable on or before the annual general meeting.
7. The annual general meeting shall be held in December of each year, when the accounts of the previous year shall be submitted, and office-bearers for the ensuing year elected.
8. The Secretary shall keep a register known as 'The Shetland Collie Stud Book.' wherein all dogs belonging to members of the Club shall be registered. No dogs shall be eligible for admissions unless it complies with the standard laid down, and the owner's name, and the name of the sire and dam, date of birth, etc., be furnished. A charge of six-pence shall be made for such registration.
9. No alteration or addition may be made to the foregoing constitution unless by the sanction of a majority of members present at the annual general meeting. The intimation of such proposed alteration must be made in writing to the Secretary, at least one month before the date of meeting, due notice of which shall be announced in a circular calling the meeting.
These rules were unanimously agreed to.


The next business was consideration of the standard, when it was agreed that the type and points of the Shetland Collie shall be similar to those of the rough collie in miniature. That the height of the Shetland Collie shall not exceed 12 inches, nor the weight 14 pounds.
The following sub-Committee was appointed to examine, measure, and weight all dogs put forward for entry in the Stud Book: - Messrs Thomas Henderson, jun., and Alex. Irvine for the south part of the islands; Messrs John Smith, J.W. Laurenson, W.J. Greig, F. Hunter and the Secretary for the rest of the islands.
There was no further business and the meeting terminated.
Up to the time of our going to press, fully thirty members had enrolled in the Shetland Collie Club."

The Shetland Times, 26.12.1908:
THIS CLUB has now been Constituted, and a Standard of the Shetland Collie fixed. Intending Members and those interested in the Breed, are requested to hand in their names to the Secretary. Membership Fee, 2s 6d.
J. A. LOGGIE, Hon. Sec.
Lerwick, 24th December, 1908"

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